This year, for the 175th anniversary of the humanist scientist, the documentary film “The Life and Travels of Miklouho-Maclay” was released. It introduces his outstanding personality and tells about the scientist’s childhood, youth, family and fascinating expeditions (a link to the film “The Life and Travels of Miklouho-Maclay”:
From March to July 2021 the educational and outreach project “Expeditions of Three Centuries. In the footsteps of Miklouho-Maclay” was being implemented, prepared by a team of experts, educators and scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences and focused on the youth audience.
The research work of the project, as well as the series of lectures, video materials and exhibitions about the history of the achievements of Russian researchers, gave a complete idea of the importance of maintaining continuity in scientific activity, allowed to gain new knowledge, contributed to attracting young people to scientific research, helped activate the work of scientists involved in the project, their publishing and educational activities.
The project made it possible to unite scientists and leading specialists of Russia of the middle and older generation with young researchers. One of the significant results was the connection of generations and ensuring continuity in the study of the South Pacific by Russian scientists.
Within the framework of the all-Russian contest, students of Secondary and Higher education institutions were involved in research activities. 265 applications were submitted for the contest from 128 localities in Russia and even from China. The most active participants were invited to work at the Association of the South Pacific Researchers.
Due to the great interest and lively response from the audience, the all-Russian contest is scheduled to be held annually (a link to the project website and the all-Russian contest “Expeditions of Three Centuries. In the footsteps of Miklouho-Maclay”:
In 2021, an online library was opened, which provides all significant publications about N.N. Miklouho-Maclay in electronic form – from children to scientific literature (a link to the Miklouho-Maclay Foundation Internet Library:
The popular scientific publication “Expeditions of Three Centuries. In the Footsteps of Miklouho-Maclay” both in print and electronic versions was released. The book will be of interest to specialists in ethnography, anthropology and geography, as well as to a wide range of readers interested in the history of Russian science and vivid and distinctive culture of the peoples of Oceania. The publication, prepared by the Miklouho-Maclay Foundation and the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, can also be used in the educational process in Secondary and Higher Education Institutions both as a textbook and for extracurricular work on history and geography.
“Expeditions of three centuries. In the footsteps of Miklouho-Maclay” was distributed free of charge among scientific, educational and library institutions in 14 regions of the Russian Federation. It allows readers to deepen their knowledge in geography, history of the discovery and study of this region by Russian researchers, which, of course, contributes to the formation of feelings of patriotism, citizenship and pride in their Homeland (a link to the electronic version of the popular scientific publication “Expeditions of Three Centuries. In the footsteps of Miklouho-Maclay”:
On the eve of the Ethnographer’s Day, on 16 July 2021, as part of the 35th anniversary of the Maclay Readings, an international scientific and practical online forum “Maclay’s Legacy” was held, dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the outstanding Russian scientist, humanist and traveler N.N. Miklouho-Maclay.
The event brought together specialists from Russia (St. Petersburg, Okulovka, Krasnoyarsk) and Australia (Canberra). The main attention of the speakers was paid to the study of the scientific and ideological heritage of N.N. Miklouho-Maclay, as well as to attracting the younger generation of Russians to exploration of the South Pacific Ocean as part of the educational project “Expeditions of Three Centuries. In the footsteps of Miklouho-Maclay” (a link to a brief overview of the event:
October 9 – 12, 2021, the Maclay Coast Festival was held in St. Petersburg, designed to introduce Russia’s achievements in exploration of the South Seas region in the XIX century and at the present stage to families and their children, as well as to young researchers. The program included an event dedicated to the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Russia and Papua New Guinea (PNG) featuring Lyudmila Vorobyova, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to PNG (concurrently), and James Marape, PNG Prime Minister, who, in particular, noted the importance of creating a museum that introduces Russians not only to N.N. Miklouho-Maclay, but also to the traditions and culture of the friendly island state (address by Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea James Marape to the participants of the Maclay Coast Forum:
As a part of the cultural and educational program of the festival, the first in Russia the Miklouho-Maclay Online Museum were presented. It consists of articles about all significant discoveries of the scientist, the history of his family, an online map indicating more than 150 points of his stay and description of activities in each of them, the Maclay Coast model layout displaying five stories, a series of films and books about Miklouho-Maclay, his scientific works (a link to the Miklouho-Maclay Online Museum website:
The visitors of the festival went through the exhibition “The Maclay Coast”, which included objects of material culture of the New Guinea Island, photographs and copies of drawings by N.N. Miklouho-Maclay, as well as the Maclay Coast model layout made in accordance with the archival materials. Within the framework of the festival, a documentary film “The Life and Travels of Miklouho-Maclay” was shown (the Maclay Coast Festival opening ceremony, the Miklouho-Maclay Foundation website:; a video about the Maclay Coast Festival:
In November-December 2021, the Miklouho-Maclay Foundation presented the international project “The Beacon of Russia’s Achievements”, the main purpose of which was to popularize the Russian language, Russian education, science and culture of Russia, to establish an intercultural dialogue by organizing and conducting a virtual educational expedition designed for foreigners and dedicated to the Year of Science and Technology in Russia.
Within the framework of the project, five online conferences were held, bringing together students, progressive youth, teachers and cultural figures from 44 countries. “The Beacon of Russia’s Achievements” quickly became popular and reached more than 185,348 people on social networks and on the project’s website in the first 2 months.
All the project materials are in open access on the project website in Russian and English (a link to “The Beacon of Russia’s Achievements” website:; a video about the project “The Beacon of Russia’s Achievements”:
We thank our partners who fully share our success, together with whom and with whose support our projects have become so bright and ambitious.
We are heading for the new year 2022! We are sure that it will bring even more unique and important projects, new meetings, acquaintances and, of course, exciting trips!
Miklouho-Maclay Foundation’s plans include online expeditions, scientific and practical conferences for the countries of the South Pacific with the Association of the South Pacific Researchers, the Center for the South Pacific Studies IOS RAS, as well as an All-Russian contest relevant for the Russian audience.