Реконструированный тропический костюм XIX века Н.Н. Миклухо-Маклая
A unique event for the people of Russia and Papua New Guinea, due to which the friendly relations between our Countries founded 150 years ago after Nikolay Miklouho-Maclay’s trip to the New Guinea Island in 1871, will be strengthened in the future, and the people will become much closer to each other.
The purpose of this project is to represent the cultural values of Russia to the people of Papua New Guinea, to promote Russian culture and art among a wide audience. We hope that the project will help to better understand each other and learn about Russia, due to the program prepared.
«About Russia with love». Exhibition with excursion program.
The exhibition represents information about national traditions and customs, folk crafts, architecture, lifestyle of Russians, as well as Russian national costumes of the XIX century. The costume collection, created by the “Slavutnitsa” workshop from 2017 to 2019, presents traditional peasant costumes modeled on the northwestern provinces of the Russian Empire at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries. All accessories, decor and cut of the collection items represent authentic materials, forms and technologies.
«Great Russia». Cultural and educational lecture.
A series of cultural and educational lectures “Great Russia”, which will provide deeper knowledge about Russian culture, which has of a thousand-year development history based on morality, respect and preservation of the memory of older generations, as well as love for the world.
Russian films screening.
Russian films screening includes the premiere of the director’s cut “The Man from the Moon” in English. The film tells the story of the Great Russian scientist, humanist and traveler N.N. Miklouho-Maclay, the era of great and dangerous journeys of the XIX century, Soviet researchers of the XX century and contemporary research expeditions led by Miklouho-Maclay Jr in the XXI century.