On 24 January 2022, the founder and Director of the Miklouho-Maclay Foundation held four meetings-lectures with the students of the Foundation-friendly school №606 (State Budgetary Educational Institution) with profound study of English of the Pushkin district of St. Petersburg named after the hero of the Russian Federation K. Y. Somov.
Thanks to the lectures the high school students learned about the first in Russia Miklouho-Maclay Online Museum. Materials of the museum can be used as an additional educational information at the lessons of history, geography, social science and extracurricular activities. They also learned about the biography and travels of the XIX century brave explorer of Oceania Nikolay Miklouho-Maclay, the history and significance of his expeditions for all mankind.
On the photo: the Director of the school № 606 Marina Mikhailovna Shmulevich and students of grades 8-10 with teachers and N. N. Miklouho-Maclay.
You are welcome to visit the Miklouho-Maclay Online Museum: https://mikluho-maclay.online/?lang=en
The series of lectures was held within the framework of the educational project “Miklouho-Maclay Online Museum” supported by the Presidential Grants Foundation and partners of the Foundation.