“Russia in the South Seas. Practice in preserving historical, cultural, and scientific heritage”
International scientific online conference Russia (Moscow) – Indonesia (Jakarta)
On 25 May 2022, the conference “Practice in preserving historical, cultural, and scientific heritage” concerning relations between Russia and Indonesia was held and completed a cycle of international scientific online conferences within the framework of the project “Russia in the South Seas” implemented by the Miklouho-Maclay Foundation for the Preservation of Ethnocultural Heritage and the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS with the assistance of the Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund. A purpose of the project was to enhance scientific, cultural and humanitarian relations and develop intercultural dialogue with South Pacific countries.
The conference was opened by its moderator Nickolay Nikolaevich Miklouho-Maclay, Founder and Director of the Miklouho-Maclay Foundation, Head of the Center for South Pacific Studies, research fellow at the Center for Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, President of the Association of the South Pacific Researchers. He noted that there was great interest in the conference, with more than 150 people from 5 countries (Russia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Kyrgyzstan) registered for participation.
Minister Counsellor Oleg Kopylov on behalf of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Indonesia addressed to the participants of the conference and noted that every year the foundation for cooperation between Russia and Indonesia got stronger. An important element of interaction is cultural and humanitarian ties, an important contribution to which is made by the Miklouho-Maclay Foundation, generating new projects and contributing to building relations with countries of the South Pacific. The project supported by the Embassy has produced significant results in many fronts. It already includes a visit by the Governor of Papua Province to the Saint-Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in 2022 to conclude a strategic partnership agreement.
Vyacheslav Kalganov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for External Relations of Saint-Petersburg, said that Saint-Petersburg was interested in trade and economic cooperation with Indonesian partners and planned to meet at SPIEF-2022 to develop multilateral cooperation.
Alexander Zvyagintsev, Deputy Director of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, State Counselor of Justice 1st class (topic: “Lessons of the Khabarovsk Trails and modern challenges and threats to humanity”) presented an interesting report in which he highlighted events of the Soviet-Japanese war, noting enormous contribution of the Soviet army in preventing apocalypse due to Japan’s use of biological weapons. He elaborated on the role and significance of the Khabarovsk war crimes trials.
Songo Nore, BA Hons Political Sciences UPNG, Principal of SNOB Consultancy (topic: “A paradigm shift: political economy analysis of exchange rate system in Papua New Guinea”), in his presentation examined the exchange rate system as a fundamental factor contributing to foreign exchange crisis and its negative impact on the kina exchange rate, and noted the role of international financial institutions, especially the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, as a catalyst for neoliberal financial reforms in PNG. In the end, the outcome of the study identifies an innovative way by pegging the kina against gold to counter foreign exchange shortages as a new way forward for the PNG government.
Ekaterina Astafieva, PhD in History, senior research fellow, Academic Secretary of the Center for Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, Executive Director of the Association of the South Pacific Researchers (topic: “Traditions of Indonesian Studies at the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS”), in her presentation noted that the study of Indonesia at the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS had always been and remained one of the priority areas of the Center for Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania RAS. Ekaterina cited a number of monographs by leading Russian experts in the study of Indonesia, including the collective monograph “Russian-Indonesian Cooperation: Past, Present and Development Projects” created as part of the joint project of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS to mark the 70th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between the USSR/Russia and the Republic of Indonesia.
Dr. Hendra Kaprisma, S.Hum, Literature Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia (topic: “Russian Culture: In the Hearts and Minds of Indonesians”), presented a paper on cultural exchange between the two countries, particularly that Russian culture is promoted in Indonesia through educational institutions such as universities and embassy cultural centers, as well as through online media and platforms. The research has found that Indonesians have utilized various media and platforms to engage with Russian culture, with methods changing following the advancement of technology.
Egor Artemyev, Deputy Head, International Cooperation Department, International and Regional Cooperation Directorate, Roscongress Foundation (topic: “On Indonesia’s Participation in the Largest Russian Conventions and Exhibitions”), noted the importance of international economic events, such as the Saint-Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) and the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF), in promoting economic cooperation between countries, in particular between Russia and Indonesia.
Vladimir Anisimov, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, President of the Regional Public Organization of Artists “Bureau of Creative Expeditions” (topic: “Sentimental expeditions on the islands of Indonesia”) made a presentation of works by Russian artists and their creative expeditions to Indonesia, and demonstrated some exhibits, in particular, a headdress of an Indonesian soldier. He talked about a number of exhibitions which were hugely successful and made a tangible contribution to developing and strengthening cultural ties between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Indonesia.
Alina Vladimirova, research fellow at the Center for Southeast Asia, Australia, and Oceania, Institute of Oriental Studies RAS (topic: “The Russian community of Indonesian researchers through the prism of bibliographic analysis”), made a presentation on the analysis of scientific articles published in the journal of the Centre for Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, noting the increasing number of publications on historical topics. She expressed her hope for continued cooperation and development of joint projects between researchers of the two countries.
Alexander Popov, PhD, senior research at the Center for Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS (topic: “Cooperation Russia-Indonesia in the context of the preservation of cultural, historical, and scientific heritage”), focused on the role of specialists from both countries in preservation of cultural, historical and scientific heritage and importance of passing this knowledge on to the next generations. He highlighted the Soviet/Russian support to Indonesia during the Second World War and the resumption of military cooperation since the 1990s, and analyzed the current state of trade and economic relations between the two countries, describing their challenges and prospects for development.
Evgeny Korenev, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations and Russian Foreign Policy of the Institute of History and International Relations, Saratov State University, Expert at the Institute of Current International Problems of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (topic: “Comparative analysis of Indonesian security cooperation with Russia and NATO member states in the post-bipolar period”), presented his analysis of the main development trends of cooperation between Indonesia and Russia. He made an emphasis on the transformation of relations within the contours of the new international security system, including the Southeast Asia. He also made an overview of the impact of Indonesia’s military and technical cooperation with Russia and NATO countries and the nature of their security relations.
Yaroslav Zakharyev, expert, lecturer, MGIMO (U) under the umbrella of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, made a presentation in absentia on “Southeast Asian Huaqiao’s strategies in the South Pacific in contact with the geostrategic context of the global space”. South Pacific Region is an object of interest for the key powers that are playing the “Great Game” in the Asia-Pacific region. Southeast Asian Huaqiao have traditional ties with neighbor Oceania and are actively integrating their capital into developed and developing countries in the region: the open and offshore banking sector is interacting successfully with Fiji, the Solomon Islands, Palau, the Cook Islands, New Zealand, Nauru and Micronesia; the Huaqiao are partly involved in joint projects with Chinese companies from the PRC, which have been in operation since the early 2000s. The Southeast Asian Huaqiao have a set of interests in Southeast Asia, but they have to rethink a number of vectors in view of Beijing’s complex increase of influence in the region: on the one hand, they have to negotiate joint projects with PRC companies. On the other hand, they have to balance the negative attitude of Canberra. It also manages to promote a series of huaqiao investment projects through developing and developed Oceania banks.
Nickolay Miklouho-Maclay (topic: “About the history of connections and the first travels of N. N. Miklouho-Maclay to the territory of modern Indonesia in the XIX century”) in his presentation noted that although diplomatic relations between the USSR and Indonesia were established 72 years ago, the first contacts between the countries began much earlier, since the expeditions of N. N. Miklouho-Maclay to the territory of modern Indonesia in 1870-1880. He pointed out the importance of preserving the ideological legacy of his ancestor on the equality of races and peoples.
Moderator N. N. Miklouho-Maclay summarized the first results of the project “Russia in the South Seas”. The four conferences have hosted 37 speakers from 7 countries: Russia, Malaysia, Papua (Indonesia), Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Cambodia. These conferences have opened new opportunities for cooperation in scientific and humanitarian projects, some of which have already begun, as well as promoting economic cooperation. 15-18 June 2022, to develop business projects a delegation from Papua (Indonesia) will visit the Saint-Petersburg Economic Forum (SPIEF), which will be attended by participants from 155 countries.
Video of the conferences within the project “Russia in the South Seas”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt-xa71vKM4
The project “Russia in the South Seas” was implemented by the Center for South Pacific Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, the Miklouho-Maclay Foundation, the Association of the South Pacific Researchers with the support of the Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rossotrudnichestvo, the Committee for External Relations of Saint-Petersburg.
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