Since 2008, the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Social Services Institution “Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children in Vasileostrovsky District” has been doing important work to improve the social well-being of families and children, to strengthen and positively develop family connections with society and the state, and to establish harmonious intra-family relationships.
In the year of the 175th anniversary of the outstanding Russian traveler N. N. Miklouho-Maclay, the world-famous citizen of St. Petersbur, at the initiative of the Head of the Center Yulia Anatolievna Baruzdina a meeting-lecture of Nickolay Miklouho-Maclay Jr., founder and Director of the Miklouho-Maclay Foundation, organizer of the modern Russian research expeditions to the Maclay Coast 2017 and 2019, was held.
The positive experience of such events shows that despite the general information oversaturation of the younger generation, the children are genuinely interested in such activities, they are very keenly interested in the historical heritage and cultural values of our country.
It is worth noting that this event marked the beginning of a long-term partnership between the Miklouho-Maclay Foundation and the Center.
At the meeting a number of joint activities were agreed upon. For example, already in the new academic year (October-December) a new project of the Miklouho-Maclay Foundation “Miklouho-Maclay Online Museum” is planned to be presented at the Center. It includes a series of lectures, which tells about the discoveries and the life of N. N. Miklouho-Maclay, as well as master-classes on modeling your own expedition in the footsteps of Miklouho-Maclay.