“The Beacon of Russia’s Achievements” will guide to new discoveries

International educational and outreach project was launched by the Miklouho-Maclay Foundation in the Year of Science and Technology in Russia.

The project starts in Southeast Asia and will continue covering the world.

A virtual expedition over 15 main Russia’s achievements recognized all over the world is available on the website https://bra.mikluho-maclay.ru/?lang=en

A series of five online conferences will provide information about the advantages of Russian education and learning the Russian language, introduce foreign youth to their Russian colleagues, as well as to the traditions and culture of Russians, thereby establishing an intercultural dialogue.

Scientific, educational and public organizations from both the Russian and foreign sides are involved in the event.

On November 4, the National Unity Day in Russia, the project will start with a conference in Malaysia, but even today you can start your expedition on the project website.

#beacon_Russia_achievements #
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