Bougainville. Papua New Guinea press review

The Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ARB) election is expected to be complete throughout ARB and six provinces on the mainland of Papua New Guinea by the 24th of August 2020. Voting in ARB towns Buka, Prava and Busin ended on the 21st of August, after they requested for additional polling days. Mr. Manu said according to reports received from Returning Officers and Assistant Returning Officers, polling was conducted peacefully: « Despite some logistical and administrative issues encountered, in general polling has been concluded smoothly in all locations as per the polling schedule». Mr. Manu also added that all ballot boxes will be locked up at the police station by the 30th of August and commended all candidates, supporters and scrutineers for maintaining a peaceful stand during the conduct of the election. [1-2]

It’s expected that the vote count will not start until at least on the 2nd of September 2020. [3-4] [1]
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