Prime Minister. Papua New Guinea press review

The Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea (PNG) Hon. James Marape said that five new cases of COVID–19 have been reported in the country. Three cases were identified in the Western province bordering Indonesia, and one each in Port Moresby and East New Britain province. Thus, there are currently 7 detected cases of coronavirus in Papua New Guinea.

According to James Marape, defensive strategies remain a top priority to prevent coronavirus from entering the country along the PNG-Indonesia border and its international water boundaries. Mr. Marape also marked that monitoring the border areas from Vanimo to Daru and ensuring international movements remain restricted and controlled are the key areas, as far as keeping PNG safe from coronavirus.

It must be noted, that Hon. James Marape, State of Emergency Controller David Manning, Minister, Minister for Health & HIV/AIDS Jelta Wang, and also other Ministers and other officials (including media representatives) were tested on COVID-19 and expecting their results. Moreover, Mr. Marape says, that he is directing half his salary and allowances into ‘Helpim Wantok’ charity to help those who are in need in this trying times: «I will start by buying food from farmers and growers and Central Province and those in Morobe for Port Moresby and Lae cities as first urban areas to assist and help».

Hon. Prime Minister also launched the Vessels Tracking and Monitoring System, which was on trial for some 12 months by the Department of Transport and the National Maritime Safety Authority. According to Mr. Marape, that system was launched just in time and would prevent unchecked vessels from entering PNG waters, moreover, during the campaign against COVID-19.

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Prime Minister makes a statement about progress so far with Covid-19 response

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