The International project “Miklouho-Maclay. XXI century. Revived history”, developed by the Miklouho-Maclay Foundation for the Preservation of Ethnocultural Heritage with the support of the Presidential Grants Foundation and partners, harmoniously combines an exhibition of photographs taken during a unique expedition to Papua New Guinea on the trail of the great Russian scientist Nikolay Nikolaevich Miklouho-Maclay and the copies of historical drawings by the great traveler. It is also important that the lecture program and the film “The Lgacy of Miklouho-Maclay” screening are an integral part of the project, which makes it possible to communicate and involve the audience in the process of learning.
Miklouho-Maclay. XXI century. Revived history.
Project period: to date
Geography of the project: International
Organized by the Miklouho-Maclay Foundation with the support of the Presidential Grants Foundation and the Association of the South Pacific Researchers
Supplementary material
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